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Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most gorgeous panda of all? The answer is... you all are! Even the prettiest girl likes to experiment with makeup, though! Here are some stunning and exciting beauty hacks and makeup ideas for you to play with! Discover how to play around with different hair spray patterns or learn to put on your eyeliner perfectly using an eyelash curler! Get your eyeshadow palette and brushes ready and stay tuned for more awesome beauty hacks and cool makeup ideas!
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00:04 Fix Eyeliner with a Curler
00:51 Remove a Pimple with Garlic
01:46 Pocket Mirror Accessory Box
02:47 Easy Nail Polish Art
04:02 Mascara Hack
05:08 Chapped Lips Fix with Toothpaste
05:56 Curly Hair with Hairpins
07:22 Soda Cap for Eyeshadow
08:33 Mask Eyebags
09:58 Heart-Shaped Hair Spray
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#BeautyHacks #MakeUpHacks #SchoolBeauty